Human & Microbe Symbiosis

In cooperation with the Hygiene Technology Competence Center Bamberg and the Amberg-Weiden University of Applied Sciences

The microbiome

The word Microbiome (Greek mikrós ‘small’, Greek bios ‘life’) refers in the broadest sense to the Totality of all microorganisms of the earth (biome), which inhabit the earth's crust, the waters and the earth's atmosphere.

The human microbiome
On and in our bodies live troops of Fighters for our health . They are romping around in our Intestine, on the skin and on the mucous membranes in the mouth, nose and genitals. Together, these troops form the microbiome - the totality of all microorganisms or microbes that live in and on us. Together, they make up 56 percent of the cells in our body.
Source Wikipedia
Video source: Things Explained - In a Nutshell , Radio

What is our body made of?

Of the total number of cells in our body, only 44% are human cells. The rest areis now from microscopically small roommatesn together.

This is no reason to worry 😅, they are not harmfulh. IOn the contrary, they are even very important for our health.

56% of the cells in our body areMicrobes, such as bacteria and fungi.

Also, what are microbes?

There are good and bad microbes!

- The bad Microbes are pathogens or only become harmful when they arrive at the wrong place or increase in number
- The neutral Microbes are simply there, they neither help nor harm us
- The good Microbes are very useful for providing nutrients to our cells and preventing colonization by harmful bacteria and viruses. They support our immune system

In short:
In addition to bacteriawe also host organisms such as fungi and other microbes - including viruses that attack bacteria. Together, these are known as human microbiome designated.

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