Status: 24.01.2021
All details and information contained on our website have been compiled with the greatest possible care. However, Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation cannot guarantee that the information is correct, complete or up-to-date. If this site refers to websites operated by third parties, we accept no responsibility for their content.
The content, design and structure of this website are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Information or data (text, images, graphics, sound, video or animation files) from the website may not be used or exploited in any form, including in part, without the prior written consent of Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation.
Use of press photos and videos
Press photos and videos may only be used for editorial purposes. The copyright usage and exploitation rights are held by Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation, unless another author is expressly stated. All copyrights remain in full even if images are transferred electronically/manually to an archive. Images that are used for editorial purposes, modified, reproduced and/or electronically altered must be provided with a source reference (© Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation). Commercial distribution to third parties - even in electronically edited form - is not permitted. Printing/publication of the photos is free of charge. However, we ask for a copy for print media and a brief notification for film and electronic media.
Learning platform
1 Terms of Use
In addition to the general terms of use of the Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation website and the applicable Creative Commons terms, the following special terms of use of the learning platform (hereinafter "User Agreement") apply to the use of the learning platform with media under a Creative Commons license. Users of the learning platform also have the option of registering in order to be able to use other functions of the platform (web-based training, learning progress monitoring, newsletter). For this area, please note the regulations under "Registration, Password".
2 General
The Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation provides free digital teaching materials to the general public, in particular educational institutions/personnel and volunteers in the educational sector, via the learning platform.
3 Rights of use
3.1 The media available in the learning platform are, unless otherwise indicated, subject to the Creative Commons License CC BY-SA, Version 4.0 international. The exact wording of this license can be found at .
3.2 The right of use granted to you under a Creative Commons License CC BY-SA, Version 4.0 International includes the right to
provided you comply with the following conditions:
The details of the usage rights for the media made available via the learning platform are set out in the applicable license conditions, which are specified and available for each medium.
3.3 Any restrictions on use arising from the license terms do not apply to parts of the material that are in the public domain or to the extent that their use is covered by exceptions and limitations of copyright law.
3.4 The additional information provided for the individual media (metadata such as short info, description, author, copyright information) is also made available to the public internationally under a Creative Commons License CC BY-SA, version 4.0.
3.5 Any misuse of the teaching materials and additional information may result in criminal and civil consequences.
3.6 At the request of the Siemens Foundation, you are obliged to provide the Siemens Foundation with information about the manner in which you use the teaching materials you have accessed in the media portal.
4 Note on software
If software is made available for download via the Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation learning platform and is subject to a separate license agreement, the software may only be used in accordance with the provisions of the associated license agreement. The terms of this user agreement remain unaffected.
5 Disclaimer of liability; warranty
5.1 The granting of the rights of use pursuant to Section 3 and all other services provided by Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation within the framework of this User Agreement are free of charge.
5.2 The Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation is liable in connection with the use of the learning platform and the implementation of this user agreement only
5.3 Claims due to legal and material defects in the media and other services provided by Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation as part of the learning platform are excluded, except in cases of fraudulent intent. In particular, Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation does not guarantee that the media provided on the learning platform or their contents and the information contained therein are correct, complete and/or usable.
5.4 The above provisions in sections 5.2 and 5.3 do not involve a change in the burden of proof to your disadvantage.
5.5 Although Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation always endeavours to keep the learning platform and the media contained therein free of viruses, Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation does not guarantee that it is virus-free. Before downloading media, you will ensure that you have appropriate security measures and virus scanners in place for your own protection and to prevent viruses on the Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation learning platform.
6 Other
6.1 German law applies.
6.2 This User Agreement shall remain binding in its remaining parts even if individual points are legally ineffective.
Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation
Foundation headquarters: Ursbergerstr, 31
Postal address: Annabergstr. 1
86470 Thannhausen