Together for A HEALTHY FUTURE.

"We all have a responsibility for a healthier planet,
because we are all part of it"

We invite you to join us in our mission to explore how protecting our planet can ensure not only our own health but also the health of future generations.

Donate directly:

Donation account

Planet Bambi Foundation

Social Bank



Donation transparency

As a registered non-profit organization, the Planet Bambi Foundation is exempt from corporate and trade tax. Tax number 151/147/00573

Donation receipt for the tax office

Your donation is tax deductible.
Donations of up to €300 can be submitted to the tax office without an official donation confirmation using the booking confirmation from your credit institution in accordance with Section 50 Paragraph 4 No. 2 b) EStDV as proof of your donation, together with our simplified donation receipt. You can download the form for the simplified donation receipt here
If your donation exceeds €300 per year, you will automatically receive a confirmation from us for the tax office at the beginning of the following year.

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