Every human virus is of animal origin,very often by bats or birds.
(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
(Corona Virus Disease 2019)
Corona virus disease 2019
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU31mw90re0&feature=emb_logo
Things explained – Kurzgesagt, an offer from Funk
Source: Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), infektionsschutz.de,https://www.infectionprotection.de/mediathek/filme/corona-knowledge-compact.html#c13360, CC BY-NC-ND
The infected cells are destroyed and the Organ functions become restricted such as difficulty breathing, coughing, loss of smell.
The body releases messenger substances.
The messenger substances report the invasion of a virus to the body.
This is followed by a
Immune reaction
Inflammatory reaction
such as fever, weakness, etc.
The occurrence of a contagious disease (infectious disease) is classified depending on its extent into:
Spread across entire continents or worldwide
(e.g. Covid-19, “Spanish flu”)
Limited in time and place
(e.g. seasonal flu, plague in the Middle Ages in Europe)
Persistent occurrence within a specific geographical region (e.g. malaria in tropical countries)