
In cooperation with the Hygiene Technology Competence Center Bamberg and the Amberg-Weiden University of Applied Sciences

What is microbiology?

Microbiology is the science and study of microorganisms, i.e. Living beings, which as individuals with the naked eye not can be recognizedThese include, for example, Bacteria, fungi, protozoa as well as unicellular and few-celled algae and viruses.

Source: Wikipedia

Here go we first look in more detail at viruses and bacteria.

Viruses and bacteria

You feel sick and go to the doctor. The doctor diagnoses a viral infection. But what is the difference between avirus from a bacterium?
Both can make us sick 🤒.

This is one of the few things these different pathogens have in common. Otherwise, the two groups of pathogens are very different in many areas and sometimes quite useful.

🎥 Differencee

👆🏻 Conclusion

Unterschied Viren und Bakterien

A size comparison: cell, bacterium, virus

Bacteria and viruses are easiest to find by their Size to distinguish. bacteria are up to a hundred times larger than viruses. They can still be seen with a normal light microscope. The much smaller viruses can only be seen under the electron microscope.

Größe Viren und Bakterien

👉🏻 Everything clear? Time a quiz about leyelets...

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