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Use of press photos and videos
Press photos and videos may only be used for editorial purposes. The copyright usage and exploitation rights are held by Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation, unless another author is expressly stated. All copyrights remain in full even if images are transferred electronically/manually to an archive. Images that are used for editorial purposes, modified, reproduced and/or electronically altered must be provided with a source reference (© Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation). Commercial distribution to third parties - even in electronically edited form - is not permitted. Printing/publication of the photos is free of charge. However, we ask for a copy for print media and a brief notification for film and electronic media.
Planet Bambi - Gisela & Theo Grabowski Foundation
Foundation headquarters: Ursbergerstr, 31
Postal address: Annabergstr. 1
86470 Thannhausen
Email: info@planetbambi.foundation